shuper awesome?

this isn't even my ds, shuper

Shuper is one of my Jigglypuff!
Her full name is Shuper Level Starcrafter Awesome. She doesn't mind if you just call her 'Shuper.'

about me

my ds is ice blue, btw
Shuu ♀
1993/02/16 ♒

Find me:
hitomoshi @tumblr
poly_rhythm @lj

You can contact me by emailing me at audio-track8 at hotmail dot com.

about mistress

Kei ♂
1992/09/05  ♍
Canada (derp)

He is a loser that likes Marill, gaming, and playing the Yu-Gi-Oh tcg. Loser.
He also likes tormenting my Jigglypuff, and other cute Pokemon :c
He did a lot of work for the layout of this site, so he's not totally useless.
Still kinda useless, though. ❤