Marill and I...

bad photoshops :D
He's the Marill plush that started it all for me. Up until 2010 I realized I never really did have a favourite pokemon. Sure, there was pikachu, but everyone likes pikachu; my like for pikachu didn't surpass the norm.
Then when Shuu and I randomly went to her local Toys r' Us we found Boss! It hit me over the head how cute Marills were, and the rest is history I guess.

Boss (formally Big Boss)

Well, it was weird how I came up with Boss' name. I mean, I really like the video game series "Metal Gear Solid". So I was just ad-libbing a back story for this Marill plush as if it were a sentient and human-intelligent Marill. In that chaos this is what I derived: Boss essentially was at Toys r' Us helping to sell all the ugly pokemon plush (i.e elekid, bronzor). Why was he there? To prove he's the world's best businessman. Thing is, there is no illuminati, The Patriots, The Philosophers, or some group of superminds that run the world single handedly. It's just one Marill, and that's Boss. He owns every company in the world to put it bluntly, and the world is just oblivious. Those owners are only puppets who serve Boss as another piece of his conglomerate. Governments are controlled by lobbyists, most of which are fortune companies themselves. Follow the money they say...

Oh, and since the real Big Boss died in MG2 (about 2 decades ago), and he reincarnated into a Marill. If this actually works, I don't know how to explain when the real Big Boss is revived in MGS4 and Marill Big Boss. Meh.